
Tuesday, 4 April 2017

How Does the Red Light Cameras Blockers Work to Save You From Being Wrongly Penalized?

Over 661 cities and towns across 24 states in the US had installed red light and traffic cameras in 2012 much to the annoyance of citizens. The simple reason is that it costs money to put up cameras and the main reason is not prevention of accidents and compliance with traffic law but revenue generation for the installers and the administration. In the process, instead of catching only genuine violators, the traffic cameras photograph cars and issue tickets at random even though the driver has not committed any violation. There is no appeal. The driver must pay the fine amounting to around $ 150 to $ 300.
NON Anti-Photo Phantom Tag Protector.

There is always a way to prevent tickets from being issued. The way the automated systems works is that the cameras capture the license plate registration number and the computer processes it to match a record and issue a ticket. If the number is not read clearly then it is obvious it cannot be matched with any driver. A ticket cannot be issued. There are active methods such as installation of rotating number plates to prevent cameras from recording the number. Some drivers have been known to install LED lights that they switch on while crossing traffic cameras. These lights create a glare and prevent a clear image from being captured. Some drivers spray the plate to make it shiny. Another simpler yet more effective Phantom Tag Protector red light camera blocker is the installation of a textured transparent acrylic plate over the plate. The surface has micro prisms.

This is how it works. When viewed from the front at eye level, the plate cover appears transparent and anyone can read the registration number. The magic starts happening as one views the plate from an angle of around 90 to 120 degrees. Microprisms on the surface bend light rays and partly obscure the registration number when the plate is viewed at these angles from the side or from the top, which is the usual position for red light cameras. If a driver is followed by a police car then the plate appears perfectly normal because the numbers can be read. It is only when the traffic cameras try to capture the image that they capture only an obscured image. If there is no clarity the data cannot be processed and the driver stays safe.
Two Anti Photo Radar License Plate Covers

Yet another method is to install a curved, dome like transparent acrylic license plate protector. The curvature of the plate cover creates shiny reflections that partially obscure the registration numbers. This type, however, may not be quite as effective as the textured microprism surface acrylic plate cover.

Authorities do warn against such efforts at blocking cameras from capturing images. However, every citizen has a right to privacy and certainly has a right to protection against tickets issued wrongfully even though he has not violated any law. Appeals are long drawn out processes, expensive and the onus of proving that he is not guilty is on the driver. Why go to all that bother? It is better to install these inexpensive phantom tag protectors and remain safe. 


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